Brevard County panel approves rezoning of abandoned golf course for housing development

The Brevard County Planning and Zoning Board has approved plans to rezone an abandoned golf course near Titusville, clearing the way for the development of 600 new homes on the site of the Sherwood Golf Club.

The proposal to introduce high-density housing on the 130-acre property will now advance to the County Commission for final approval.

RELATED: Golf course clash: Proposed 900-unit Titusville development scaled back amid community pushback

Developer Ballarena Group Corp. scaled back initial plans consisting of 138 single-family home lots, 74 duplex units, 256 townhome units, and 432 apartment units. Jorge Ballarena, CEO & president of Ballarena Group Corp. told FOX 35 News in May that the project had been scaled back to 605 residential units.

Local residents have voiced concerns about potential issues related to flooding, traffic flow, school capacity, and emergency response times. During the meeting, neighbors spoke out against the plan for more than five hours.

The County Commission is scheduled to decide on the proposal at its meeting on September 5.

Brevard CountyTitusville