Very good dog apparently thinks cheers for health care workers are for him

Riley, a U.K. retriever and very good boy, was caught off guard when his human companions began clapping out of nowhere. Little did he know, his owners were taking part in what has now become a tradition of applauding for Britain’s health care workers.

Riley gracefully accepted the praise with a wag of his tail, thinking it was for him. 

A video posted on TikTok by Emma Marshall shows Riley wagging his tail at the sound of the applause. 

“He thinks it’s for him,” someone says, as Riley appears to welcome the commendation by his human counterparts. 

People around the world under self-isolation orders have begun a tradition of breaking into daily cheers for health care workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The entire city of London burst into applause on March 26 in celebration of National Health Service workers, as part of an ongoing trend of people all over the world doing their part to raise morale during a devastating pandemic.

A U.K. couple lifted spirits in their local neighborhood when they serenaded the entire street with a violin concert as people were cooped up in their homes amid self isolation orders. 

In New York City, a group of residents in a Harlem neighborhood raised their voices in unison to praise health care workers on the front lines of fighting the COVID-19 outbreak, singing together on their porches while adhering to social distancing guidelines.

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