Melbourne hosts first air show since start of COVID-19 pandemic

At the Great Florida Air Show in Melbourne, airplanes showed off for the crowds, soaring high above the city's airport.

"You hear it, you feel it. Just to see the acrobatics and the power of the jets. It's a sight to see. You've got to experience it to know what it really is about," said Duane Udo, who was there with his son, Brandon.

Legions of spectators young and old attended the city's first air show since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I miss airplanes, so this is really great to be back shooting aircraft again, and it's nice to have a home show where we're home-based," said photographer Terri Pring.

Skydivers soared through the skies, and aircrafts both modern and historic were there to wow the fans. On the ground, people got the chance to get up close to the jets and talk with the pilots.

The air show also runs on Sunday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The planes start flying around 11:30 a.m.

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