Couple maintains memorial for Caylee Anthony

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As day turned to night the Goodnough Family released eleven purple balloons into the air at the site along Suburban Drive in Orange County, where Caylee Anthony’s body was found seven and a half years ago. 

They made the two-hour trek here from Sarasota to release balloons in Caylee’s favorite color on what would have her 11th birthday.  “This rain is tears from heaven,” said Wally Goodnough.

The Goodnoughs have been coming out to area since Caylee disappeared in June of 2008.  “We have 12 grandkids. It’s in my heart we needed to do this,” said Wally Goodnough. 

Wally and Jeanine built the first cross that placed at the site where Caylee’s remains were found, the little girl was just shy of 3 when she disappeared.

“That’s the original cross right here,” Wally said as he pulled out a picture of the first cross he made for the memorial site.  Over the years people have taken the crosses down and thrown them in the woods, a few were even stolen.

Last week, the Goodnoughs got a Facebook message that another cross one was gone. 

“They said the one that was out there was gone and people are throwing trash. You can see beds and TV’s over there,” said Wally. 

The family drove to Suburban Drive Saturday to see for themselves only to discover the cross was in fact gone.  “We left here Saturday, went home, built that cross in five5 hours. We left house at 5:30 the next morning came here and put it up, cut that grass and pulled all these trees out,” said Wally Goodnough. “We did this because of the love we have for kids. Never ever forget that little girl.”
