Election officials remind voters of election deadline

Like his counterparts across the state, Seminole County Supervisor of Elections Chris Anderson wants to make sure new voters meet the July 25th deadline.

"Go to voteseminole.org, and you can press on register to vote and as long as you have a Florida driver’s license or a Florida ID you can register," said Anderson.

Every county in Central Florida has a similar site, making it easy for new residents and first time voters to register, or you can visit registertovoteflorida.gov/home.

You can also drop off registration forms in person at your county’s election office. 

Registering before the July 25th deadline will enable you to vote in the August primary, ahead of the big general election in November.
That’s when the governor’s race and U.S. senate race will top the ballot, in addition to a list of local races.
Anderson says if you aren’t affiliated with a specific  party – you can still vote in the primaries.

"School board races are none partisan and that is open to all voters on the voting roll in each county so that is a bit of a myth that you don’t get to vote in the primary of your not registered as major party affiliated voter," he said. 

For new and currently registered voters, don’t forget to double-check your precinct.

"We had redistricting take place and because of redistricting there was re-precincting which every supervisor of elections in the state of Florida had to redraw their lines to make sure every voter had equal access to the ballot."

Politics2022 Midterm ElectionsSeminole County