'The more dead pigs the better': Florida officers receive manifesto about killing police, report says

Officers at a Florida police department said that they received a manifesto about killing law enforcement, detailing that those who kill police are heroes and that the "more dead pigs the better."

The Daytona Beach Police Department said that on January 29, they received information about a manifesto that was sent to an employee at the department. It was reportedly titled 'On Killing the Police: A Manifesto for the Mentally Ill' and claimed to be written by Jeff Daniel. It was posted on a Facebook group and discussed causing harm to law enforcement.

They said that the manifesto begins by stating that "This work is meant as a starting point for anyone who thinks you may one day decide to kill a police officer or if you are curious about if this is something that is right for you to do. You do not have to be mentally ill to find value in the ideas set forth in the Manifesto."

In an incident report from police, it is stated that this manifesto also said "If you have ever looked online for tips on killing police officers, and found nothing, then this is the right work for you."

The manifesto reportedly goes on to detail what the writer thinks of officers. He claims that he has been forgiving to officers for many years, but that "my list of personal grievances is getting too long." He specifically details an encounter where he "learned to hate the police and to not respect them." He describes an event where was walking out of his apartment and then a group of officers appeared and allegedly beat him up. 

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"There was no formal 'debriefing,' the police just come along and pick someone up and if they sneak up on someone wrong, then they beat the person," the manifesto reportedly read. "If the police would have given me a verbal command to 'put my hands up' then I would have complied."

Stating that "I did not arrive at the decision to kill a police officer without sufficient justification," the writer goes to describe other negative encounters with law enforcement, the incident report showed. He also said that a police officer killed a friend of his, despite being unarmed, and when he tried to tell his psychiatrist about it, "she didn't want to hear it." He frequently references that he has had multiple stays in a mental hospital and that he is "psychotic, but not crazy."

Police said that in the manifesto, he urges that "if the cops smash you into the concrete you will just keep thinking about how they wanted to kill you and have a lot of resentment. Harness that energy! That's what I did and I can tell you that there is almost a complete remission in my obsessive thoughts regarding the police. Now I fantasize about killing them instead of feeling like their victim and feel healthy in comparison. Planning your Operation is one of the most mentally healthy things you can do. Just try it and see if you feel better."

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"What if we stop accepting the narrative that a police officer killed is killed by a 'coward' who needs 'help' and see those who kill police as the heroes they are," he reportedly adds. "The more dead pigs the better."

However, the writer says that this is not something who wants to spend too much time in jail over. Police said that he said that he is "going to wait until I am in my 70s with six months left to live because of stage three kidney disease or something like that" and that he specifically wants to target a "large, athletic, young male cop. These are the frat guy types that were beating me."

He reportedly ends the manifesto by saying that it is important that he "make the world a better place through the therapeutic killing of police officers."

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Police took Daniel into custody on January 31.