Salvation Army serving 5,000 Thanksgiving meals to Central Florida families

The Salvation Army of Orlando held its annual Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday -- but in a much different way.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing guidelines, the Salvation Army replaced its traditional eat-in dinner with to-go meals for needy families this year.

From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., the organization will hand out 5,000 pre-packaged Thanksgiving meals at their gym at 440 W. Colonial Drive.  

“More than other times in the past 27 years, this Thanksgiving tradition needs to continue to let those who are struggling know that they are not alone and that someone cares,” said Captain Ken Chapman, area commander of The Salvation Army Orlando. The sponsors of our HOPEsgiving Dinner are Eric & Diane Holm.

RELATED: Orlando Magic serves Thanksgiving breakfast to needy families

On Tuesday, The  Salvation Army held its HOPEsgiving Turkey Drive, giving away 500 turkeys along with a food box to 500 families in need. 

Between the two events, over 200 volunteers will assist us with safely preparing and distributing turkeys, food boxes, and meals.

If you would like to donate or volunteer this holiday season, visit
