Windermere parents pushing county to bring school football stadium to campus

Years after a football stadium was built over a mile from Windermere High School, some parents are fighting to bring it to campus. When the school opened, zoning wouldn't allow for a stadium on campus.

"It’s definitely a safety concern because there’s not enough place for everybody to shelter," said Jill Chase a Windermere parent.

Chase and other band parents aren't just worried about dangerous weather, they say it's a hassle every time they need to move equipment.

"It’s U-Haul trucks to bring over equipment, instruments, props, and sets," Chase said. "And it’s also a lot of parent volunteer hours to take off work to go pick up those trucks, day of."

When the stadium was built, parents expected something much bigger.

"We did not expect basically a field with a set of bleachers, and that’s what you have," said Julie Sadlier, another parent.

Sadlier has organized petitions in the past and is trying to get parents to pressure county officials to bring the stadium to campus.

Others aren't sure the county will go for it.

"I find it hard to believe that they would do that after the investment they have out here," said Eric Boylan. "I think they can tweak some things out here, add more parking, add more stands."

A lack of parking for big events at the stadium was another concern for parents, especially when people couldn't park on a nearby field because of wet weather.

On Wednesday, the school's principal told parents that has changed, and they can go back to parking on it.