Orlo Vista residents want lakes drained to prevent more flooding

Flooding in Orlando's Orlovista neighborhood due to Ian. 

Orlo Vista residents feel defeated because they’re still in the process of cleaning up damage from Hurricane Ian. And now they're worried about Nicole. Some residents have been renovating their homes.  There are lots of supplies outside as well.

While Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings said the county is pumping down water levels in lakes near areas like Orlo Vista. Many people who live around there disagree. 

Juan Castellanos told us, "The biggest thing now that there’s another storm coming, why is the lake so full, and nothing's being done about it." Resident Selena Bolden said, "Its unbelievable. We’re not even done. We’re still cleaning up and trying to get back halfway livable, and it’s just, I don’t know. I feel devastated today.


Residents say the lack of garbage pickup is also an issue there. Many tell us, they're barely making it with money from FEMA for repairs. They're not sure what they'll do if another hurricane hits.