Accused thief puts dog in crate during home burglary

A homeowner says a burglar took off with valuable items from her home, but her dogs didn't make it easy on him. She thinks he put one of them in a crate while he was in the house.

One year old "Deacon" can be seen in surveillance video sniffing out a burglar, at his heels.

"I was nervous, I didn't know if he was trying to attack him or just following him around," says Melissa Moyer. "Stole a bunch of my possessions. Computers, I had hard drives from the past 10 years and photos took all my jewelry. Kind of ransacked my house." 

To make matters worse, you can hear her other dog "Pilot," but can't see her.

"I think he had put my bigger dog in a crate.  At one point in time you can hear her screech a little bit."

In the video, you can tell something happened, and now deputies are investigating.

"In the video, he had told her to shut up or he was going to kick her really hard."

It bothers Moyer to know he was so close to her babies.

"Seemed like he was comfortable coming in the house. Almost like he knew his way around. And the way he was telling the dogs, just kind of hush. He wasn't even phased by them."

While she lost sentimental jewelry and computer equipment used for work, she's relieved "Pilot" and "Deacon" are ok.

"If anything would have happened to them I would have freaked out," she says.  "I definitely hope they catch him."

If anyone has information on the suspect, call Crimeline at 800-423-TIPS (8477).
