Watch: Woman comes within feet of a bear

Home surveillance video captured the moment a woman in Daytona Beach, Florida came within feet of a bear -- and had to quickly run inside the house. It happened earlier this week after the woman took her dog outside. Her dog started barking and when she went to investigate, suddenly a BEAR appeared out from the shadows. The woman screamed and run inside.

When Florida Attacks: How to live with bears

FOX 35 talks with Mike Orlando, the lead bear program manager with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, about bears in Central Florida. How many are there? Where do they go? Why do we see them in backyards? And do bears attack, and why?

Dog chases off bear in Lino Lakes

A Minnesota dog, who was maybe a little too brave, was captured on doorbell camera video chasing off a black bear that encroached on his front yard in Lino Lakes, Minnesota.

Bear snoozing in tree near Florida day care

Orange County deputies were monitoring a black bear on Tuesday, spotted in a tree near the Expanding Minds Academy earlier in the day. The Orlando-area daycare is located off of John Young Parkway in Orange County.

Bear spotted swimming at Florida beach

Video taken by Chris Barron shows a black bear walking out of the ocean next to beachgoers at a beach in Destin Sunday. Chris Barron told Storyful the bear was swimming right beside his 12-year-old son and Chris’s brother.

Black bear takes dip at Florida beach

Beachgoers got quite the surprise over the weekend when they spotted a black bear swimming at a crowded Florida beach. Several witnesses saw the curious young bear taking a dip in Destin's beautiful blue Gulf of Mexico waters and captured the rare sighting on video which quickly circulated on social media Sunday. (Videos courtesy of Frank Merrell and Steffani Saddler)

Bear takes up residence in Lake Eola Park

A young black bear has been spotted in some trees at Lake Eola Park in downtown Orlando doing what bears seemingly do best – sleeping, observing, and occasionally some climbing.