SunRail delays due to vehicle collision, weather

SunRail experienced delays on both the north side and south sides of its operating area on Wednesday afternoon

On the north end, a vehicle reportedly went around the gate and was struck in the vicinity of E. Palmetto Avenue in Longwood, according to a spokesman with SunRail. It involved a southbound SunRail train (P331) with 26 passengers and two crew members on board. No injuries were reported to passengers and crew. The train was released from the scene just before 6 p.m.

On the south end, a large tree fell over the railroad tracks during an afternoon storm, between the Tupperware and Kissimmee/Amtrak stations.  Three trains could not go beyond that point. 

"Chainsaws and a front-end loader were needed to remove large tree near E. Magnolia Street in Kissimmee that had fallen onto the train tracks," explained Steve Olson, with the Florida Department of Transportation.

Trains resumed north-south trips on the 49-mile SunRail corridor around 7 p.m.  Service delays were expected through the evening.
