Rick Scott eying Senate Majority Leader position: 'I’m going to work my butt off representing Florida' | FOX 35 Orlando

Rick Scott eying Senate Majority Leader position: 'I’m going to work my butt off representing Florida'

Republican incumbent Rick Scott has won reelection to the United States Senate for a second term.

The Associated Press called the race just after 8 p.m. on Tuesday, earlier than most expected – including Scott himself. During his acceptance speech, the senator joked on stage that this may be his first confirmation of an election win before midnight.

With 55.7% of the vote, Scott beat out Democratic challenger Debbie Mucarsell-Powell.

"This is a team win," Scott shouted from the podium. "We won; they lost."

Seconds after his acceptance speech, FOX 35’s Hannah Mackenzie managed to catch up with the newly reelected senator.

"Florida is the head of the Republican Party," Scott said. "We’re going to be in the majority, we’re going to change the direction of this country based on what we’ve done in Florida."

Mackenzie asked Scott about his intention of securing the top GOP position in the U.S. Senate, a vacancy being left by Mitch McConnell.

"We’re going to win," Scott said. "We’re going to win because we want change."


When asked how he will continue to represent the Sunshine State in D.C., the senator said, "I’m going to work my butt off representing Florida."

Scott has held the position for the last six years, but this acceptance speech was different from years prior with a focus on next week’s secret election for Senate Majority Leader.

"Our work is not done. Next week, we have another election," Scott said. "Two years ago, I challenged Mitch McConnell, because I know there has to be a change."

Some say the election will be an uphill battle for Scott, who will likely face competition from South Dakota Sen. John Thune and Texas Sen. John Cornyn. However, supporters Greg and Susan Autry say he is the man for the job.

"I think he can do it," said Greg Autry. "We need a majority leader who’s on the side of the American people."

Throughout his campaign, Scott has highlighted the Hispanic vote. The senator did not lose that focus after his win.

"Los votates Hispanos son Republicanos hoy," he said, which translates to, "Hispanic voters are Republicans today."

Impressed with Scott’s Spanish, Alejandra Dongo, said with such a large immigrant population, the Hispanic vote is vital to Florida – and needs to be represented in congress.

"Yo siento que de verdad vamos a ganar," Dongos said. "El voto Latino es muy importante y vamos gnar," which translates to, "I truly feel like we’re going to win. The Latino vote is very important, and we’re going to win."

The election for Senate Majority Leader will be held on November 13.


FloridaElection2024 ElectionRick ScottFlorida PoliticsPolitics