'People are scared:' Orange County out of appointments for monkeypox vaccine
ORLANDO, Fla. - People in Orange County are frustrated they cannot make an appointment to get the monkeypox vaccine. They are completely booked in Orange County, as the demand is outpacing the supply.
Some people in Orlando are left concerned and frustrated that they don't have access. One resident and his partner drove hours to get the Monkeypox vaccine.
"Because of the uncertainty of vaccines both my partner and I traveled to South Florida just to get the vaccine from the Broward Health Department," said Wesley Davis. "People are upset, people are frustrated but more importantly, people are scared."
The Florida Department of Health Orange County is working on securing more vaccines amidst a national shortage.
Representative Anna Eskamani was on an hour-long call with the Department of Health and others where they discussed the need for more doses.
While the majority of the people contracting Monkeypox are men who have sex with men, anyone who comes in physical contact with someone who has symptoms can contract the disease. Healthcare workers are also at a high risk of exposure. There have been cases in other areas of the country where two young children and a pregnant woman were infected with Monkeypox.
"Right now if we were to vaccinate every Orange County resident who engages in sexual activity as men with men, we don’t have doses for that population right now let alone young people and immunocompromised people. We are in serious need of more dosages," said Rep. Eskamani.
As of Friday, there have been 22 people in Orange County who have contracted Monkeypox this year, according to the Florida Department of Health. Many in Central Florida hope more access to the vaccine comes soon.
"People are frustrated, and they just want answers," said Davis. "They want to keep themselves safe and the loved ones around them safe as well."