Orange County, Kissimmee approve bans on public camping, sleeping

Local governments in central Florida now have laws that ban camping in public, lining up with the state statute that took effect Oct. 1 2024.

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed H.B. 1365 into law last year. It states that counties and municipalities cannot allow camping or sleeping on public property. Beginning Jan. 1 of this year, residents and business owners can file lawsuits against local governments they feel aren't enforcing the law.

On Tuesday, Orange County and the City of Kissimmee both finalized changes to their ordinances in response to the state law. Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings said it's another tool to address growing homelessness in the county.

"This is not a short-term type of situation that we are dealing with," Demings said. "This is long term."County leaders emphasized the ban is not a ploy to fill the jail. The ordinance calls arrests a measure of "last resort."

"This is not incarceration," said District 3 Commissioner Mayra Uribe. "This is the ability to give law enforcement the ability to be legally just in their actions."

The ordinance states people in violation can be tagged with misdemeanors, fined up to $500 dollars, and/or jailed for as many as 60 days

."I'm begging you just look at the methods to navigate the state law with compassion, rehabilitation and ensure justice for all," said resident Matthew Grocholske."Don't vote on this," said Christian Services Center Executive Director Eric Gray. 

"Don't do it. Invite the legal challenge."Commissioners voted 4-2 to approve the update.

District 5 Commissioner Kelly Semrad was one of the no votes.

"I cannot vote for something that complies with something that I look at that is cruel and unusual punishment when people have nowhere else to go."

Kissimmee city commissioners finalized their city's camping ordinance by a 4-1 vote.

It spells out $50 fines for a first offense, and it could total at least $900 in fines if someone is found in violation at least 4 times within a year.

"What this ordinance does is establish those penalties to give the tools to law enforcement to be able to enforce that law," said City Manager Mike Steigerwald.

Kissimmee police and the Orange County Sheriff's Office both have dedicated teams to respond to homeless issues and connect people to resources


The Source: This story was written based on information shared by Orange County and the City of Kissimmee.

Orange CountyOrlandoOsceola CountyKissimmeeHomeless CrisisPolitics