NY teen wanted for murder arrested in FL • Dog found alive after FL bear attack • FL man killed pregnant woman

Low hanging powerlines are to blame for the loss of one Florida family's home, a 100-year-old Oak tree fell on Governor Ron DeSantis' mansion in wake of Hurricane Idalia, a teen fugitive from New York was arrested in Volusia County, a Florida dog who vanished after a dog attack was found alive, a man was arrested for allegedly killing the mother of his unborn baby in Sanford: Here's FOX 35's Week in Review. 

Low-hanging power lines blamed for fire that destroyed Titusville family's home

People in Titusville say power poles are leaning, and power lines are hanging low to the ground. After years of their calls going unanswered, they turned to FOX 35 News. Days after we started asking questions, a video showed crews out making repairs. The power line problem in the Hickory Hill neighborhood isn’t fixed entirely, though. And it’s being blamed for a fire that destroyed a family’s home.

100-year-old oak tree falls on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' mansion in wake of Hurricane Idalia

A 100-year-old oak tree fell on the Governor's Mansion in Tallahassee in the wake of Hurricane Idalia, according to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' wife Casey DeSantis. 

Casey said she was at home with their three young children, Mason, Madison and Mamie, at the time the tree fell. No one was injured.

New York teen fugitive wanted for murder arrested in Florida: Deputies

Credit: Volusia County Sheriff's Office

A teenager from New York wanted for murder was arrested by Volusia County law enforcement Tuesday. 

A search warrant was issued for the 16-year-old wanted for second-degree murder in Rochester, New York around 4:30 p.m. Tuesday. 

The teen was arrested at 112 Caribbean Street and taken into custody on his felony warrants for second-degree murder and two counts of criminal possession of a weapon. 

Florida dog found alive after vanishing amid bear attack in Longwood; owner hospitalized: FWC

A dog was found alive after vanishing following an encounter with a bear in a Seminole County neighborhood earlier this week, the Florida Fish and Wildlife (FWC) confirmed Thursday morning.

Officials said a man was walking the dog along Winding Pine Trail in Longwood Tuesday night when the attack happened. The man was taken to a hospital after suffering a large head wound. His condition was not immediately released.

Man arrested for allegedly killing the mother of his unborn child in Sanford: Police

A man was arrested following a months-long investigation into the death of a Sanford woman who was found shot to death in a car last year. 

Sanford Police arrested 21-year-old Donovan Faison on August 29 on two counts of felony homicide in connection to the death of 19-year-old Kaylin Fiengo and her unborn child.