Mom and 2-year-old create adorable 'potty time' song, video goes viral

A mother in Maryland created a 'potty time' song to help teach her 2-year-old daughter how to use the bathroom. Leave it to social media to make the adorable video go viral! (WATCH IT HERE)

Are you a parent? If yes, then you share the same over zealous joy with other parents the day your toddler transitioned to underwear.  It's seriously a BIG deal for both parties. However, every parent embarks on a different and challenging route to getting there.  

In Stacia Wright's case, she turned to music to make 'learning' fun and easy. Her 2-year-old Ginneh Wright, is in the process of potty training and can't stop singing her 'potty time' song--  lyrics are so catchy! 

So after countlessly signing and dancing to 'potty time' Stacia wised up and created a video for Ginneh to watch anytime. She then shared it with her Facebook Mothers group, and as expected the video was shared by the moms. 

A few aww's and ohh's and video took a life on it's own! 

This the video upload to Stacia's facebook. We're warning you right now, you may end up humming or singing the song too. 

"This potty training has made me delirious I my trainee and I made up this new random silly potty song--and she loves it! Now only if she would actually follow the instructions #PottyTrainingDay1 #MySweetsieLovesMusic #ItsBeenARoughStart #RandomPottySongMoment #IHatePottyTraining #LordHelpMe #PleaseDontMindMyCrazyVocals"
