Viera High School alleged hazing incident: Coach fired, football program suspended amid investigation | FOX 35 Orlando

Viera High School alleged hazing incident: Coach fired, football program suspended amid investigation

The head football coach at Viera High School in Florida has been relieved of duty, several students suspended, and the entire football program suspended until further notice after an alleged hazing incident happened in the players' locker room and was recorded on video, Brevard Public Schools said in a statement Sunday.

The alleged video, which has been viewed by FOX 35, appears to show a student being held down on the ground in a locker room as other students then appear to assault that student in a sexual manner. FOX 35 has decided not to show the video to protect the identity of the alleged victim, the disturbing nature of the video, and because no arrests or charges have been announced.

"Hazing, bullying, and intimidation have no place in Brevard Public Schools," said Brevard Public Superintendent Dr. Mark Rendell in a statement Sunday, which was posted online to the district's website.

"We have spent the past several days investigating the hazing incident involving members of the Viera High football team. Today, we have made the decision to suspend all Viera High football team activities (varsity and junior varsity) until further notice and we have relieved the varsity head coach of his duties until further notice," the statement continued.

The district said all of Viera High School's football players will be required to attend an "anti-hazing education program" before it will even consider the possibility of bringing back the football program.

There will also be a parent-player meeting to "begin the process of improving team culture and raising expectations." However, those players allegedly involved in the hazing incident will not be able to attend because they've been suspended, the district said.

A date for that meeting was not immediately released.

It's not known when – or if – the football program will be reinstated. However, Dr. Rendell said in his statement that he expected a decision to be "made soon."

At least one member of the Brevard Public Schools Board, Jennifer Jenkins, who represents district 3, said in a Facebook post that doesn't see how the football program can continue this school year at all.

"There is no scenario in my mind where I feel it is appropriate this program continues this school year. Hazing should never and will never be tolerated. This message needs to be loud and clear to all athletes district wide," she wrote.

"With that said, it is important to remember that this investigation is not over; district security, law enforcement, and the school district are still collecting information. Again, hazing has no place in Brevard Public Schools, and we must always act in the best interest and safety of our students," he said. 

The Florida High School Athletic Association said in a statement to FOX 35 News that once the school district completes its internal investigation, it will determine whether anything found in their report violates any FHSAA policies. 

No arrests or charges have been announced. FOX 35 has reached out to the Brevard County Sheriff's Office to see if they've launched its own investigation. 

On Monday, FOX 35 learned that the head coach is still teaching at the high school. He was only relieved of his football-related duties.

What is hazing?

Hazing is any activity expected of someone joining or participating in a group that humiliates, degrades, abuses, or endangers them, regardless of a person's willingness to participate, according to 

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