Florida substitute teacher let seventh-grade student take hit of her vape: affidavit

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A substitute teacher in Florida was arrested after she let a seventh-grader student take a hit off her vape pen during class, according to the arrest affidavit.

Jennifer Gaine Hale, 50, was arrested on May 5, 2023, by the Eustis Police Department, and booked into jail under suspicion of child abuse.

According to the report, Hale was subbing for another teacher at Eustis Middle School on May 2. At some point during the day, a student allegedly made a remark about wanting to try a vape pen. Hale said she had one and let the student try it, according to the report.

Jennifer Hale. Photo credit: Lake County Sheriff's Office

When the principal found out, he talked to Hale, who admitted to letting the student try it because he allegedly wanted to. She reportedly told the principal, "I was just trying to fit in," according to the report.

She also reportedly told the class not to say anything.

She was walked off campus and told that she could not return, the report said. She was released from jail on Sunday, according to online records.