Seminole County residents stock up on sandbags, supplies ahead of Helene

More than half a dozen sandbag filling locations are open in Seminole County as residents prepare for Helene.

It was slow-going on Tuesday at Eastmonte Park off Magnolia Drive in Altamonte Springs. Fifteen minutes away, at the Westmonte Recreation Center on Bills Lane, it was a different story. City employees manning the station said it had been non-stop all day with residents coming to fill sandbags.

According to one employee, 12 pallets of pre-packed sandbags were gone within hours, leaving latecomers to put a bit of muscle into collecting their free sandbags.

Mike Brady and Alisha Cardinal said they are not taking any chances with Helene.

"We just feel like we need a little more protection right now than we have in the past," Cardinal said. "I think we’ve gotten lucky a couple of times, and not just going to ride this one out."

"It looks pretty big from what we’re seeing on TV, so I think we’re going to take some precautions this time," Brady added.


Eight-year-old Avianna helped to make their 15-bag limit. The couple said they were also planning to grab storm essentials.

"Canned goods… stocking up on water," said Cardinal.

"Stocking up on beer as well," Brady said with a laugh. "You know, gotta have that!"

No last-minute grocery trips for Laura Montgomery; she said she stays hurricane-prepared.

"We’ve been ready for a couple of months now with canned foods and water and stuff like that, so it’s just the sand that we needed," Montgomery said. "[My husband is] going to shovel it in, I’m going to hold the bag open!"

Chris Fink was also there packing a few sandbags for her elderly mother. She said it’s her first time stocking up this hurricane season.

"This one is actually going to be closer," Fink said.

According to Fink, she is mostly concerned about impassable streets in her neighborhood.

"There have been a few times where we’ve had to walk around the corner to get back to our house," Fink said.

Fink plans to keep a close eye on the latest track for Helene. Depending on the forecast, she said she may swing by the filling location on Wednesday for a few more sandbags.