Barnett Park reaches capacity again as COVID-19 Omicron variant spreads

The COVID-19 Omicron variant surge is influencing more and more people to get tested ahead of the holidays. 

Barnett Park, in Orange County, was forced to close early for the second day in a row – this time two hours early due to the testing demand. 

"It’s been around one-and-a-half hours," said Raj Kumar. 

Kumar was one of the hundreds lucky enough to get to Barnett Park in time. All of those in line waiting for over an hour to test but each with their own reason for coming. 

"We are returning to our home country of Brazil," said Joao Gianello. 

RELATED: Free COVID vaccination events happening this week in Orange County

Gianello and his mother are getting tested in order to fly internationally. Although, they aren’t concerned about the possibility of a positive test impacting their flight. 

"We were really secure and wearing masks all the time," said Gianello. "We are vaccinated fully and hopeful it’s going to be fine."

Others like Kumar and his University of Central Florida classmate may have come in close contact with someone who has tested positive. They wanted to make sure they were safe to visit family this weekend. 

RELATED: Omicron could put dent in international tourism

"If we meet up with friends we wanted all of us to be tested," said Kumar. 

Barnett Park has tested nearly 2,200 people the last two days. On Monday 15% of those who received a rapid test at the park showed positive results for the virus. That's the highest total in weeks.

Experts said the Omicron variant spreads faster than previous variants, although symptoms appear milder. They also say the booster shot is proving to be highly effective against the omicron variant. 

Barnett Park is open for testing seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. or until capacity is reached. They will be closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas as well as New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. 

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