114th Space Control Squadron gets new home at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station

Florida's governor joined members of the 114th Space Control Squadron on Friday to cut the ribbon on their new, permanent home at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.

“Having the new facility is going to allow us to be in one location. We're kind of spread out right now, so having one location and equipping our folks to serve when needed,” said Lt.Col. Scott McGuire, the squadron’s commander.

It's a big white building and that's pretty much all they'd say about it.

The equipment inside is classified, so there's little that officials would reveal about what happens inside.

We can say that the 114th's nickname is the Thundercats, with a squad emblem straight from the 1980s cartoon.

The squadron's motto, "Silence Right Meow,” is another movie reference that also speaks to their mission.

“Engaging the adversary and blocking their ability to communicate is what we do,” McGuire said.

Members of the Thundercats said they were proud of their new, $7 million home, even though they couldn’t talk much about it.

“We just work in a restricted area, so you won't see or hear about our mission a lot, but just know we're here doing our job to help out as much as we can,” said Sgt. Penn Phoung, the installation’s security manager.

The 114th is currently part of the Air National Guard.

The squadron's commanders hope that one day it will become part of the new U.S. Space Force.