The right learning option: Some students perform better, break bad habits while learning from home
Finding the right learning option for your family
Local DJ Brian Grimes says that his son's grades have actually turned around since doing virtual school.
ORLANDO, Fla. - Children aren't the only ones getting schooled this year. Parents are right there alongside them.
Orlando DJ Brian Grimes, who is part of the popular morning show 'Johnny's House' on XL 106.7, told FOX 35 that his son Jayden's grades have actually turned around since he started doing virtual schooling from home.
"For him, I think a little bit of confidence goes a long way," Brian revealed. "I think the first couple of weeks when he started seeing A'S and B'S on tests he was barely scraping C's and D's on, it's like you can do this."
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Jayden will be a sophomore this year. He said that the good habits he has been able to establish thanks to the virtual learning experience will be something he hopes to carry with him once he returns to the classroom.
"Oh 100 percent," said Jayden. "It's just once you break your bad habits and focus, it is so much easier. School is a thousand times easier. I passed almost every single test. When I was in school, I would never do that because I just wouldn't focus."
The experts say getting parents more involved in the process and creating a learning space and place at home is key to helping kids focus.
"First you have to have your Quaran-Team ready to support the learning," says Pam Roggeman, Dean of College Education at the University of Phoenix. "Then the second thing I think parents need to do is to say do we have the tools?"
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Julianna Cooney with Florida Connections Academy said that for the best at-home learning experience, you should create a separate learning space. It Is also best to designate a desk and computer for just school work. She also recommends trying to eliminate any distractions in the background that could affect an online classroom.
For Jayden, this new at-home learning routine, along with his parents by his side has made all the difference.
"I wake up around 8 to 8:30, then I have to be on the computer by 9 a.m.," Jayden explained. "My Mom is always by my side, so if I even try to go on my phone, she's instantly stopping me. She's always on me, so it's so much easier."
He also admits getting a couple of hours of extra sleep in the morning has made all the difference.
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So what does the future hold for Jayden and his return to the classroom?
"My goal is for him to break the bad habits that I noticed over the course of this year, instill some good ones," Brian said. "When he gets back to regular school for 11th and 12th grade, hopefully he will have seen both sides of it."
Mom and Dad now part of Jayden's "Quaran-Team" as they navigate his success in the new virtual school year together.