Puppy whose hind legs were severed in train accident gets adopted with dogs just like him | FOX 35 Orlando

Puppy whose hind legs were severed in train accident gets adopted with dogs just like him

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Remember Trooper? He’s the adorable dog that started off life pretty rough.

At just 3-months-old, Trooper was abandoned in Hamilton, Ohio and hit by a train, an accident that ruptured his left eye and severed his tail and both back legs.

RELATED: Puppy who had legs severed in train accident now up for adoption

Well, after making a miraculous recovery at the Animal Friends Humane Society, Trooper was put up for adoption and has found his forever home with the Forman family. 

But this isn’t just any family.

They take in dogs with various issues and one of them is a special needs dog named Oliver who can’t use hid hind legs, just like Trooper. 

The two have quickly become best friends.

“Heading to take my big brother to the urinary doc in Georgia. I am blowing him kisses and he is catching them ❤️❤️❤️,” reads the caption under their photos posted to the Facebook page, The Trooper Telegraph.

Because of his injuries, Trooper is often in a custom-made wheelchair or is wheeled around in a stroller. But he is still an active puppy, scooting around and playing just like any dog.

Congratulations Trooper!