Viral photo of dad squatting to change baby's diaper sparks movement | FOX 35 Orlando

Viral photo of dad squatting to change baby's diaper sparks movement

Sometimes, you get caught having to change your kid's diaper in public. Yet, most public places don't supply changing tables in the men's restroom.  A St. Augustine dad is hoping to change this.

A dad from St. Augustine, Donte Palmer, says that when he took his three boys out to eat, he noticed there was no changing table for his one-year-old. He says that "the first thing I said was ' Isaha,' which is my oldest son, 'come follow me."

Isaha captured the frustrating father-son moment where Palmer had to squat, put his son on his lap, and change him in the bathroom. Palmer found the photo to be "powerful," so he posted it on Instagram to show solidarity with his fellow dads. 



In the last two weeks, Palmer has received an overwhelming amount of support, as several news website and celebrities have shared his post. Other dads showed him that he is not alone in the table-less struggle and that this is not just an issue in Florida. 

Using the hashtag #SquatForChange, Palmer hopes that maybe this will lead to more of these. He says that after all, a dirty diaper is not just on moms. 

Palmer has since been contacted by local and state lawmakers who are ready to push this and make the changing table a more common sight.