School bans Uber, Lyft, food deliveries to students | FOX 35 Orlando

School bans Uber, Lyft, food deliveries to students

While class is in session at Orlando’s Jones High School, a sign stands out front that reads: "No Uber, Lyft, or any other food deliveries allowed for students!"

“I don't think that's right,” said student Morgan Polite, “I don't think that's right at all, sorry.”

Polite said she uses Uber Eats to bring lunch on schooldays, and she's far from the only one. “A lot of other students,” she said.

Lora Gilbert is in charge of the school district's food program. She praised Jones HS administrators for keeping deliveries away.

“Any school that would have a sign that says no deliveries here is just being proactive,” Gilbert said, “our wellness policy doesn't allow food deliveries unless it's the parent giving their own food to the child.”

Last month, Pasco County changed their guidelines to specifically ban food deliveries at schools. OCPS says that's always been their policy. Polite says she may give it one more try.

“I'll try one last time,” she said, “if we can't, then we can't.”