Brevard Zoo treating record number of green sea turtles

The Brevard Zoo is currently treating 13 green sea turtles after seeing an influx of the sea creatures over the weekend.

According to a press release, the turtles arrived at the Brevard Zoo's Sea Turtle Healing Center in a debilitated state. Many were covered with algae and barnacles that affected their ability to swim. Others were suffering from different ailments including inflammation and sepsis.


The turtles are being treated with antibiotics, vitamins and are being given a safe place to rest. 

“We’re working as hard as we can to get these guys back on their flippers and out in the ocean,” said Shanon Gann, the Zoo’s sea turtle program manager. “Situations like this underscore the importance of sea turtle rehabilitation in our state and we hope to expand our facility in the near future.”

The Healing Center usually only holds 12 sea turtles at a time but were able to accommodate thanks to the creative staff and volunteers. They reached an all-time high of 26 patients as other facilities across the state were also near capacity.

Twelve turtles were tranferred to the Turtle Hospital in Marathon on Monday.
