Central Florida comedian honors Bob Saget

A Central Florida comedian took time to honor Bob Saget at a performance in The Villages. He said he met Saget in the early 2000s at The Improv in Downtown Orlando and considers him an inspiration.

Life in the foxhole: 97-year-old Villages veteran reflects on D-Day, Battle of the Bulge

Irving Locker’s backyard turtle preserve is what you would call his happy place. Just off his backyard in The Villages, at any moment you can spot a handful of the reptiles moving about the expansive field. It was December of 1944, nearly 77 years ago. Locker had just survived D-Day months before, landing on Utah Beach with his gun battalion. To this day, he can recall the chaos of the wounded on the beach.

Census shows growth in GOP stronghold as Florida adds House seat

As Florida prepares to add a 28th congressional seat and the major parties get ready to fight for control of the U.S. House, new census data shows the country's fastest-growing metropolitan area is a popular retirement area that is overwhelmingly Republican — just like the state Legislature.