'Sundogs' youth football team invited to play at Raymond James Stadium

Most young football players dream of one day getting to run out on an NFL field. For the Central Florida Sundogs, this will soon be a reality. 

"I’m pretty nervous. But I think we got it in the bag," Asher Hiller said.

In a couple of weeks, the Sundogs will play at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, home of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Players consider this the opportunity of a lifetime, as they’ll get a taste of the NFL.

 The Sundogs won the Youth Spring Football League’s Northwest Regional title and a D-3 Championship. That caught the attention of the organization "Playbook." They’re hosting a football event at Raymond James Stadium, where they invited the Sundogs to play one final game this year.

"A lot of kids do aspire to be in the NFL. This will get them as close as close as they possibly can for at least the next seven, eight, or nine years," head coach Kyle Davis said.

This is more than a game. It’s about the entire experience.

These players cannot wait to be on the same field, where their idols, like Tom Brady used to play.

"Kind of makes me feel like him, in a sort of sense," Jack Eddy said.

The Sundogs see themselves as an up-and-coming team, as they’ve only been in existence for two seasons. To stand out, and get this opportunity means the world.

The Sundogs will play at Raymond James Stadium on June 4.