Woman steps out of shower to find home intruder

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Residents in one Orlando neighborhood are stunned to hear that a woman was attacked by a complete stranger in the middle of the day, inside her home off of Michigan Street, just a few bocks west of Mills Avenue.

An Orlando police report states the woman was attacked by Travis Weeks after she had just gotten out of the shower around 1 p.m. Tuesday, and was only wearing a towel.  She was surprised by Weeks in the bedroom of her home, police say. 

"This is the worst thing that's ever happened here," said Carlos Vivanco, who lives a block away from the victim. "Nothing like that has ever happened here."  

We knocked on the woman's door, and a man inside told us how she was doing.  He asked not to be named. 

"Definitely startled, but yeah ... she's okay," he said.  "Honestly, we're trying to process the whole thing. It's been a challenge." 

The police report goes on to state that the victim was defending herself in the struggle with Weeks.  The report states, at one point, the victim kicked Weeks in the groin, and he responded by putting her in a headlock.

The HOA president said the community has only been around for about three years and only has cameras around the pool area. Resident Anne Zorn says she's taking security into her own hands.

"We just purchased the Ness video system. We already have an alarm system, and the dead bolt locks," Zorn said. "We will be alerted if there's anyone at any entry door."

Weeks got away with the victim's laptop and phone, before being arrested nearby. He is charged with home invasion robbery and aggravated battery, among other charges.