Woman arrested in Melbourne apartment fire

Melbourne police say Jennifer Mae Wayne set her apartment on fire, and then she just wandered away. Wayne stood before a Brevard County judge this afternoon. Her feet were black, prosecutors noticed.

“I observed when she was walking up what appears to be soot on her feet, which could be evidence of a fire,” the prosecutor said during proceedings, “I'm directing the Sheriff's Office to please take photographs of that before she showers.”

Melbourne Police raced to the Park Village Apartments on Tuesday once the 911 call came in.

“It's completely engulfed,” a 911 caller said, “it's actually the bottom floor. And I see people on the second story.”

The entire building was evacuated. Wanye's apartment is now blackened and charred from the fire. Patricia Surette, one of her neighbors, says it was terrifying.

“I was scared,” Surette said. “There were huge flames and I was scared.”

She says Wayne had only lived there a month, and always seemed distant. “I've tried to say hello to her many times. She'd just walk by me as though I was air.”

Judge Kelly Ingram set Wayne a hefty bond.

“You have no prior criminal history,” she said, “but the court is concerned about to the safety of the public. I'm going to set your bond at $50,000 for the arson of a dwelling charge.”

Wayne is due back in court at the end of the month.