Why your credit score matters, even if you aren't making a big purchase

Think your credit score doesn't matter because you're not in the market for a house or a new set of wheels? Think again.

Your credit score can determine so much more than just getting approved to buy a home or a new car. Your score is a way of quantifying your relationship with debt down to a 3-digit number. These scores can range from 350 for the least responsibly borrowers to 850 for the most credit worthy among us.

George Janas, the President of Consumer Debt Counselors of Winter Park, says that your credit score matters for reasons you might not even expect. "First of all, many employers will look at your credit score. Auto insurers will often look at your credit score. Landlords look at your credit score. So, it may not be just for a house. Remember, the credit score is an indication of  -- number one, your likelihood of paying back a credit obligation and how effectively you manage your financial life."

Janas says that in an effort to give creditors the best picture of your financial health, you want to keep long-term goals like buying a home or a car on the front of your mind.

