WATCH: Tripp Halstead moves head on his own

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Tripp Halstead continues to work toward full recovery following a devastating accident in October 2012 when a tree limb fell on him outside his day care center.

"Here's one full minute of happiness right here," mother Stacy Halstead said on Facebook Monday morning. 

Halstead shared a new video of her 5-year-old son moving his head on his own. The video was recorded over the weekend. 

"We are working so hard everyday on head control," Healstead said. 

According to his mother, Tripp has healed from all of the surgeries he's had this year. Most recently, he underwent spine surgery in June. 

"The tree only landed on his head, but it crushed his little brain which controls everything in his body," Halstead previously said. "The injury caused all these other issues. So we are slowly tackling all the damaged parts trying to put him back together again."

Halstead said she's extremely happy with Tripp's progress and he's doing an awesome job at getting her attention. She said on Facebook she believes he's trying to say the word "hi," which is something they've worked on since Tripp was injured. 

"He amazes me more and more everyday," Halstead said last Friday. 

Stacy said she believes the positive prayers and support her son constantly receives on Facebook has helped him progress and heal. 

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