Alligator mating season: Video shows gator appear to make bellowing sounds at woman in Apopka | FOX 35 Orlando

Alligator mating season: Video shows gator appear to make bellowing sounds at woman in Apopka

It's alligator mating season and no one is safe from their "mating calls,"  — apparently, not even humans.

Evelyn Bell said she was driving along Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive Sunday morning when an alligator began doing what appears to be a "water dance," according to Gator Alley Farm.

While remaining in her car, Bell recorded the video of the gator making low, bellowing sounds.  

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Officials say male gators will typically lift their tails high and slap the water with their jaws to create vibrations throughout the water. The gator in the video is shown doing this ritual, letting all the ladies in the area know he is ready for a mate.

According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, alligators begin "courtship" in early April, with mating occurring between May and June. 

The eggs hatch from mid-August through early September.
