Volusia County juvenile corrections officer arrested

A juvenile detention officer from Volusia County is being held in the Seminole County Jail, accused of trying to have sex with a 12-year-old girl.

As a juvenile detention officer, Joel Eddy is supposed to watch over children. Instead, he was in court on Wednesday, accused of preying on a child.  

"He traveled here to Seminole County thinking he was going to have sex with a 12-year-old girl," explained Seminole County Sheriff's spokesperson Kim Cannady.

That child never existed. Deputies said an undercover officer, pretending to be the father of a girl, was in contact with Eddy online.

"He had four weeks to change his mind, and he was persistent and continued to the point where he arranged to meet this father with the alleged 12-year old," Cannady said.  "I can't exactly divulge the exact location, because it's used every now and then."

According to the Department of Juvenile Justice, Eddy was a Volusia County juvenile detention officer for two years, up until he was fired.

Cannady said, "That is a concern anytime an adult is in a position where they would be trusted by the children they're overseeing; however, we're not aware that anything occurred with the children that he was in contact with."

DJJ released this statement saying, in part, "This behavior is inexcusable, unacceptable and has not and will not be tolerated by DJJ."

"If there are any parents or juveniles out there who are concerned or think they may have been victimized by this individual to please contact us," Cannady added.

Eddy was held on $80,000 bond.