Virginia teen creates prom dress out of duct tape | FOX 35 Orlando

Virginia teen creates prom dress out of duct tape

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SOUTH RIDING, Va. (FOX 5 DC) —  A Loudoun County teen is in the running to win a $10,000 scholarship for her prom dress, which she made entirely out of duct tape.

It took Christina Mellot, 17, over 80 hours to create her purple gown and get this — she used 36 rolls of duct tape to do it!

According to the Loudoun Times, Mellot is a finalist in Duck Tape’s Stuck at Prom Scholarship Contest, "which challenges high school students to design a prom dress or tuxedo entirely out of Duck brand duct tape or crafting tape."

On Thursday, Mellot told FOX 5 that people didn't realize she was wearing a dress made out of duct tape until she told them.