Titusville considers curfew proposal | FOX 35 Orlando

Titusville considers curfew proposal

Titusville's Vice Mayor Matt Barringer wants to impose a new curfew requiring kids to be home, between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m., Sunday through Thursday, and midnight to 6 a.m. on weekend nights. 

If he gets his way, children could face a $50 fine and so could their parents.  Titusville's top cop says teens are getting into trouble in the middle of the night. 

"We're coming across 12-year-olds at three in the morning," said Chief John Lau.

He says the common crime they're committing in his town, breaking into unlocked cars stealing and stealing valuables.  But, he's not convinced it's time for a curfew. 

"It's bittersweet. We love the fact elected officials in our community are answering some of the voice that we've been saying.  Juvenile crime is an issue.  The reality is, I think it's a little premature right now for this area." 

Chief Lau says city leaders need to think bigger, like going county wide and they need to study successful teen curfew programs. 

"Jacksonville has a curfew that is working out very well.  That has the teeth to it, the prosecutors office up there is on board, so is juvenile justice.  So if you have a repeat problem with 'juvies' out, the fine goes up but not only the fine, it eventually goes into a system where they have to answer to a judge," Chief Lau explained.

FOX 35 is at tonight's meeting.  We'll let you know how city leaders decide to proceed tonight on FOX 35 News at 10.