Suspicious flag-toting men reported in beachside communities

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Indialantic police officers say a blue Ford Expedition, driven by two white men, has been visiting homes in a "suspicious" manner.  That's because one of the men will knock on a resident's door, offer a free American flag, and then invite the resident to immediately visit the store in Palm Bay.

"Oh very peculiar. Very strange," said Rosalyn from Indialantic, who was bothered enough by the visit that she asked we not use her last name in this report.  She reported the incident to police on Thursday.

"If you think something is suspicious, go with your gut sometimes," says Mike Casey, a sergeant with the Indialantic Police Department.

He says he's received numerous complaints about the two suspicious men. They've been described pushy, while insisting to go inside a home.

"What is their intent?" asked Sgt. Casey. "A salesperson going around trying to pressure them to get into their house kinda raised our concerns."

Rosalyn says she turned down the two men, and then, one of them took the flag back.

"That kinda of made me even more suspicious" said Rosalyn.

"I thought that was strange. Why wouldn't he just leave the American flag with me?"

Police say if you see the individuals and they make you feel uncomfortable, call your local law enforcement agency.