Christmas drag show at Orlando venue targeted by Florida officials, as hundreds demonstrate outside

Hundreds showed up to an Orlando venue both to protest and to support the "A Drag Queen Christmas" event Wednesday night.  

The Orlando Philharmonic Plaza Foundation posted on its website that this is the eighth consecutive year the performance will be there.

"We’re out here today to show solidarity, to come together as a community to make sure that this stays a peaceful event, to make sure that the attendants are safe," said Kaity Danehy-Samitz from Women's Voice of Southwest Florida.

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Hundreds showed up to an Orlando venue both to protest and to support the "A Drag Queen Christmas" in Orlando on Dec. 28, 2022.

People protesting said their concern is that people of all ages could attend the show.

"Whatever they want to do, 18 and older, 21, whatever, that’s fine," said a man who identified himself as Joe "White Shark." "But they’re bringing children in."

The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation wrote a letter to the venue on Wednesday warning not to allow children inside if there will be inappropriate content. The agency also warned it could take action against the venue's license.

It's also looking into similar events in south Florida. Local lawmakers at the event called it an attempt to intimidate.

"This is a politically motivated letter sent by the DeSantis administration to basically intimidate and try to cancel drag shows," said Rep. Anna Eskamani, who represents Orlando. "This is not the first time, and it won’t be the last time."

"I think it was an intimidating letter to send to this organization, and it was wrong," said Orange County Commissioner Patty Sheehan.

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