Some Altamonte Springs residents upset over UPS refusing to deliver their packages

People living at the Altamonte Terrace apartments said UPS refused to deliver packages to the complex, while other package delivery companies and the Post Office would bring packages there. 

"Nobody has any problems," said John Swafford, who lives at Altamonte Terrace, "I get my packages from everybody but UPS. UPS seems to be the one that cannot do what they're hired to do." 

Swafford said it was a huge inconvenience, especially for people without cars. "It costs me additional money. I don't have a car right now, so it's $12 in an Uber to UPS and $12 home after somebody has already paid for that shipping." 

In a statement, UPS said "The safety of our employees is UPS’s highest priority. Our drivers are trained to always be aware of their surroundings and ensure their safety. When there are concerns, we advise the driver to deliver to an alternate location." 

Suzan Trancygier, another apartment resident, said the company has been routing their parcels to a UPS center near South Seminole Hospital. But Trancygier said she’s never felt unsafe. "I go out and walk my dog at three of four o'clock in the morning. I've never had any problems. I'm sure some people have, but if you go looking for trouble, you're gonna get it." 

The most recent online records from Altamonte Springs Police show four incidents at Altamonte Terrace from October through December of last year: two aggravated assaults, one criminal mischief, and one simple assault. "It hurts people in the complex," Swafford said, "allowing them to continue to do that is wrong. We shouldn't have that message going out. The complex is no more unsafe than any other neighborhood." 

Apartment complex managers said they were aware of the problem and they sympathize with the residents. They ask residents not to bring packages for pickup or drop-off at the front office because of staffing issues.

Altamonte SpringsSeminole County