Sign warning drivers of speed trap ahead foils Florida deputies
Photo credit: Collier County Sheriff's Office
GOLDEN GATE ESTATES, Fla. (FOX 35) - Deputies in Florida were ready to hand out tickets to speeding drivers--- except they couldn't catch any because of a very tricky sign-maker.
The Collier County Sheriff's Office said they were conducting a speed enforcement operation in Golden Gate Estates earlier this week at the request of residents. Many drivers had reportedly been speeding down the road, causing concern for people nearby.
Surprisingly, when deputies were set up, they found no one speeding.
"After a significant amount of time had passed they were puzzled," the sheriff's office wrote in a post on Facebook. "Traffic was steady, so why had they identified just one driver who was traveling over the speed limit?"
When deputies called it a day and left their spot, they solved the mystery.
"As they left the area they spotted this sign about a quarter of a mile ahead of their enforcement site. Well played, Anonymous Sign Artist. Well played."