"She was scarred:" Small dog found stranded, stuck inside garbage can in Florida

Credit: Orange County Animal Services

A strange phone call about a loose dog led one Orange County Deputy to a garbage can — what he found inside was heartbreaking. 

On Friday morning, an officer received a call about a loose dog who was seen stuck inside a garbage can. When the deputy arrived in the area, he found a shy and gentle dog cramped inside the can, according to Orange County Animal Services. 

The officer had to pry the lid off the garbage can and based on the condition of the dog, could tell she had been in there for at least a day or maybe longer. The sweet pup was trembling when the officer finally lifted her out of the garbage can, he said. 

"We know things like this are upsetting, but we don't want her story to get lost in outrage," said Orange County Animal Services. "We are doing what we have to do for her, as well as trying to find out how and why she was found the way she was. She is safe and cared for, but she is going to need a lot more help. She may need foster care, and she will definitely need a lot of love, as well as a good home."

It is unknown if the dog was dumped into the garbage can or born on the streets, but animal services said she is scarred and thin. She's shown no aggression towards anyone or anything, they said. 

"She seeks out affection, and leans into every touch. We know once she recovers fully, she is going to be an absolutely amazing family pet," Orange County Animal Services said.