Semi trucks parking on residential streets poses safety concern in Orange County

Imagine waking up to a big rig parked on your street? That's what's happening in residential neighborhoods in Orange County. 

The Orange County Sheriff's Office is reporting upwards of 500 complaints of illegal semi truck parking each month.

One of the residents dealing with the issue is Rashida Ryan, who lives in Pine Hills. She says the large trucks are parking in her neighborhood more often.

"On average, maybe 3-4 nights per week," she said. 

Ryan says these trucks are dangerous when kids are around and they block emergency vehicles.

"Ambulances, fire trucks can't get in and can't get around the rigs because they partially block some of the streets," Ryan said.

The public safety concern is why Orange County Commissioner Victoria Siplin brought the problem before the board Tuesday. 

She believes semi truck parking along the Interstate 4 corridor is limited and the fine for truck drivers is too low. 

In fact, the residential parking violation is cheaper.

"If you have to determine $100 for parking in a designated area versus a $30 ticket violation, of course they're going to go with the $30," said Commissioner Siplin. 

"I think there needs to be higher fines and stricter sanctions to the drivers and the owners of these trucks. I think that's the only way to curtail this issue," Ryan said.

Commissioner Siplin has a message for truck drivers.

"Changes are coming and they must either change their habit or incur a fine," she said. 

Solutions being considered include a higher penalty and making residential streets tow zones at the truck owner's expense. 

Commissioner Siplin says the county is also working to find more parking options for these trucks. 

County staff will return in two months with recommendations for the board.