Officials still searching for missing 18-year-old at Lake McLeod on Monday | FOX 35 Orlando

Officials still searching for missing 18-year-old at Lake McLeod on Monday

Multiple agencies searched for 18-year-old Aaron Tillman of Eagle Lake at Lake McLeod on Sunday.

Tillman disappeared underwater while kayaking, according to officials.

Polk County Fire Rescue says the first call came in as a possible drowning around 3 p.m. on Sunday and the first units arrived five minutes later.   

Florida Fish and Wildlife, Polk County Fire Rescue and Winter Haven Public Safety Department all responded to the scene. The Polk County Sheriff's Office is leading the search.

Tillman is a student at Ambassadors Christian Academy of Winter Haven and a member of the football and wrestling teams, according to authorities.

PCSO detectives were told that Tillman and a 19-year-old woman were kayaking approximately 150 yards from shore, in 12-15 feet deep water.

According to detectives, neither Tillman nor the woman were wearing life jackets. Family members told detectives that Tillman could not swim, and had never before been on a kayak.

The woman told deputies that she jumped into the water from the kayak to swim, but when she resurfaced she saw Tillman struggling to stay above the water. She said she did not know if he fell in or intentionally got into the water, officials say.  

Detectives say despite the efforts of the woman and a nearby witness who went into the water to help, Tillman never resurfaced.

"My marine deputies as well as FWC who’ve joined in the search are looking for an 18 year old young man who was with a 19-year-old friend when he went into the water and never resurfaced. We’ll stay here until we find him and can return him to his family," said Sheriff Grady Judd.

The sheriff's office has several boats on Lake McLeod as the search for Tillman continues on Monday morning.


Polk CountyMissing PersonsFlorida