School suspends first-grader over imaginary bow and arrow | FOX 35 Orlando

School suspends first-grader over imaginary bow and arrow

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The bow-and-arrow was imaginary. The punishment is real. An Ohio first-grader was given a three-day suspension last week after he pretended to shoot a fellow student with a bow and arrow, WLWT reported.

“I have no tolerance for any real, pretend or imitated violence,” a letter from Principal Joe Crachiolo to the boys’ parents said. “The punishment is an out of school suspension.”

Matthew and Martha Miele told WCPO that their 6-year-old son was just imitating a Power Ranger during recess at Our Lady of Lourdes in Cincinnati on Thursday.

“The punishment is so severe in this it’s hard as a parent to try to make this a teachable moment for our kid so we can move forward in a healthy manner,” Matthew Miele said.

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