Restaurant beating results in hate crime charges

A bar fight on Mother’s Day ended with two men being charged with a hate crime. 

Investigators said a man was having a meal and a drink with his wife, when three other men instigated a fight, all because of the color of his skin.  A fight at this restaurant was so troubling, someone called 911. 

“There’s a terrible fight, and there's one African-American that's being beat to a pulp -- and there's no one here to defend him -- by a bunch of rednecks,” said a caller on 911.

“We just won't tolerate that type of behavior,” said Charlie Guyler. 

Guyler owns Tailgatorz, where deputies said Warren Stratton, Troy Noe and his son, John Noe, attacked a black man over the color of his skin. 

“We definitely don't condone that kind of behavior, and the perpetrators are totally barred from ever coming back here.”

According to the report, the victim and his wife were having a drink at the bar on Mother’s Day, when Stratton walked by and asked “if he was from Africa and if it was Africa Day.” 

Authorities said the victim asked Stratton to move along, but Stratton pushed him and a fight broke out, with Stratton’s nephew and his son stepping in -- throwing punches, shoulder-checking the victim and using a racial slur several time.   Surveillance cameras captured it on video.  

All three were charged with battery but are out on bond now.  FOX 35 stopped by their homes, but no one answered to knocks on the door.   Guyler said they had been at his restaurant before but won’t be back anymore. 

“We all are more compassionate and need to be more compassionate towards all our fellow people, and there's still a few stubborn ones.”

He said he has spoken to the victim, who has been back since.  Now, he has a message for the public. 

“I want them to all know they're welcome.  We treat everybody equally.”

All three are charged with battery.  Warren Stratton and Troy Noe are charged with felony battery for a hate crime.