Reconfigured WB I-4 Ivanhoe Blvd. exit ramp opens | FOX 35 Orlando

Reconfigured WB I-4 Ivanhoe Blvd. exit ramp opens

The westbound Interstate 4 (I-4) ramps at Par Street, Princeton Street and the westbound I-4 exit ramp to Ivanhoe Boulevard are shifting to new, temporary configurations this week.

On Tuesday, the westbound I-4 exit ramp to Ivanhoe Boulevard (exit 84B) opened after some modifications.  The westbound I-4 entrance ramp from Princeton Street also shifted to a new configuration.

"We had a lot of congestion there, between traffic coming on from Princeton and traffic exiting to that new location at Ivanhoe Blvd, and for safety, we wanted to take a step back," said David Parks, with the I-4 Ultimate Project.

Next, the westbound I-4 entrance ramp from Par Street and the westbound I-4 exit ramp to Princeton Street (exit 85) will shift to new configurations.

The Ivanhoe Boulevard off ramp was previously closed so crews could make additional safety enhancements and modifications to provide better access to the ramp. 

The new configuration of the Princeton Street on ramp helps to mitigate potential conflicts with the Ivanhoe Boulevard off ramp and it will allow for work to continue on the nearby overpass.

"We've gotta get in here and build a brand-new bridge over the top of Princeton Street," Parks added.