Publix implements one-way aisles to encourage social distancing
Publix implements one-way aisles
Grocery stores are implementing one-way aisles to encourage social distancing.
ORLANDO, Fla. - In an effort to keep customers a safe distance apart while shopping during the coronavirus pandemic, some Publix grocery stores are implementing one-way aisles.
Photos have surfaced on social media of blue arrows taped to the floor directing customers which way to go down the aisles. There are X's on the ground at the opposite end of the aisle to indicate that you shouldn't enter in order to keep the one-way flow.
A FOX 35 News viewer sent in photos from the location on Hoffner Avenue in Orlando.
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"Some people were paying attention but others weren't and were just going down the wrong way anyway," shopper Carolina Alexandra told FOX 35 News.

Customer Amy Barnickel said, "I forgot to go the right way. I kept looking to see if I was in the right direction and I would turn around and in the wrong."
A Publix spokesperson said they added markings help traffic flow, but customers said not everyone noticed them.
"People today seemed a little confused, like I was," Barnickel added. "I think it’s a good idea. Get people moving faster, keep them from blocking the aisles and then having to get close to other people."
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Publix says they also making announcements inside, reminding customers about social distancing.