Porcupette born at Animal Kingdom given name in honor of caretaker

(Disney Parks Blog)

A porcupette born at Animal Kingdom finally has a name!

According to the Disney Parks Blog, the prehensile-tailed porcupine born at Conservation Station at Disney's Animal Kingdom was given the name Shelley.

Her name comes from one of her caretakers with the same name.

(Disney Parks Blog)

The Disney Parks Blog said, "The Animals, Science and Environment team named the baby in honor of Veterinary Operations Manager Shelley, who played an important role in the baby’s birth. Thanks to Shelley’s dedication to training, the baby’s mom, Peri, was able to participate in ultrasounds essential for prenatal care."

For more on this adorable baby animal, visit the Disney Parks Blog.

RELATED: Disney's Animal Kingdom welcomes baby porcupine

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