Planning on getting a haircut this Friday? State reopening not yet scheduled to happen

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Thinking about getting a haircut this Friday? State reopening not yet scheduled to happen

A local hair stylist is looking forward to getting clients back in his chair -- if the 'stay-at-home' order ends on April 30.

If you plan to have your haircut on May 1, you may be disappointed: Orange County Mayor Jerry Demings says he's still waiting on orders when everything will reopen.

Five weeks ago FOX 35 News watched hair stylist James Whitbeck of Mondi Salon take in last minute clients before closing for the 'stay-at-home' order.

We asked him how it’s been going.

"Horrible. No money coming in, money going out."

He’s ready to reopen at the end of the week and even came up with a game plan for clients.

"They’ll be told to stay in their car till we’re ready and disinfected. We’re gonna make sure everybody has a mask. If you don’t have a mask, you can’t come."

But despite all the planning, haircuts may have to wait.

"We were hoping to open this Friday, that doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen."

Instead, Mayor Demings says, "Our goal this week is by the end of Friday to have a more specific direction about when the various type of businesses may reopen."

He says he’s waiting on orders from Governor Ron DeSantis to reopen. The Orange County Economic Recovery Task Force is also meeting all this week.

"The Task Force is charged with developing a phased approach to reopening businesses that balances the lives of employees and residents".

FOX 35 News asked the Mayor for guidance about booking hair appointments and other business.

"So they really should wait on that. But I understand that many businesses just want to reopen and get back at it. But they do so at some risk."

James says, "Opening up too soon, I think is just gonna make things worse."

He says he was denied unemployment and just wants to earn a living again. 

"I think we’re all just frustrated that things aren’t being handed better."

James says clients have started booking appointments further out in May -- and will rebook if they need to.